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Audit and Assurance

Need audit and assurance services? 

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We work to provide a systematic review of information along with the related documentation to identify gaps and risks that help clients to improve business processes, minimize costs, maximize profitability and achieve their business goals. We help the business to manage risk at an acceptable level. We offer a wide range of financial solutions synced with business processes. 

We plan and devise our audit programs both at the micro and macro level of business. We apply stringent controls, analytical and substantive testing that highlights management weaknesses, loopholes in business processes, and risks involved. Our audit practitioners aim to add value by foreseeing problems and providing constructive and realistic solutions.

We believe in quality and economy of service pricing. We have years of experience blended with skills to ensure quality and timely completeness of assignments. We work with client management to plan, control, complete the assignment in a minimum time frame. Our audit and assurance services include a thorough understanding of the internal controls of our client's business and the extent of the risks involved in developing an appropriate approach suited to the client's needs

Audit and Assurance Services

Fraud Investigation Audit

Fraud investigation audit investigates a fraud that is needed to determine the exact depth of fraud committed, areas affected, and loopholes that caused the fraud to happen. The fraud investigation audit would help a company assess the actual loss of a company, both financial and non-financial. 

Revenue Audit

Revenue audit is a limited scope audit where we verify revenue of an organization for a specific period and prepare a report that is either required by a leasing landlord of an organization or this audit may be conducted at the request of Federal Tax Authority. In general, we check the returns of income over a one-year period.

External Audit

External audit is an independent review of the annual financial statements prepared by the organization. An audit leads to an audit opinion on whether the annual financial statements convey a true and appropriate picture of the situation of the organization.

Internal Audit

Internal audit examines controls in the company, including governance systems and accounting systems. It enables you to ensure compliance with the rules and regulations and, helps to keep a timely and accurate financial data.

Information System Audit

Information system audit is part of a more general financial audit that reviews an organization's accounting records and financial statements. Information systems are designed in such a way that all financial transactions can be tracked.

Due Dilligence Audit

Due diligence audit is a careful study of a company's financial position. These reviews are often made prior to a purchase, merger, or other important decision that could adversely affect the finances of one or more companies.

Compliance Audit

Compliance audit is a comprehensive review of compliance with official guidelines by an organization. Audit report access the strength and effectiveness of compliance precautions, security policies, and risk management procedures during a compliance audit

Tax Audit

Tax audit is a process of reviewing a taxpayer's records and documents in order to verify that the taxpayer has properly accessed, reported and paid his tax for the relevant year of assessment.

Frequently asked questions

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